Past and Present Layouts
For all of my layouts, I use Paint Shop Pro 7, which my uncle purchased for me. Haha, I'm not a pirate! For Version04 I used MSPaint, but I think that's the only exception. I use EditPad Lite for all my source code.
_____________________________________________Current Layout
This layout was actually one I had made, then threw out because I wasn't sure if I liked it enough to use. If you couldn't tell, it's from my CareBear/CS phase, where I used the name [CareBears] Love-a-Lot Bear, haha. This one's pretty simple, I drew most of it freehand in PSP7, and just mimicked the text style from the CareBears logo. I think the toughest part was getting all the scripting to work both in IE and in FireFox. Argh!
_________________________________________Past Layouts
